Nail Art

Proper and reasonable trimming can help your nails grow better. It is also important to take care of your nail edges to prevent them from growing barbs or peeling.

Square nails are the standard nail shape for a very classic French manicure. Straight lines on both sides of the nail and sharp edges. It is suitable for babies with long nails and wide nail beds.

Nail Art

Square galglitter nails are one of the most popular nail styles. It has the feminine look of a round nail and the handsome look of a square nail, but it is also not too picky and fits most nail and hand shapes.

The round nail is characterized as short and cute, although with other nail types than the advantage of elongated finger proportions, but more youthful and lively, a sense of girlhood. If you don’t like to keep your nails, you can pick them.

The oval nail is usually the one that girls do the most, and it is also the nail that nail technicians recommend most often. Oval nails are more feminine compared to other nail types. Babies who don’t have long enough fingers or have fleshy hands are best suited for oval nails because oval nails have the most prominent effect of elongating the lines of the hands.

The almond nail is a more advanced version of the previous four nail types, and this nail is usually the favorite nail of nail art enthusiasts. The almond nail is also relatively demanding on the hands, only suitable for babies with long and even fingers ~ if the hand condition is not too good, do not try. Otherwise, it will be very much like chicken claws.

The rest of the square tip and dagger shape is not recommended to try easily, so do not do much description here; you can understand.

If you don’t often do nail art, if you have difficulty choosing the color at first, you may want to try the white, versatile, and not too old-fashioned bean paste color!

Well, without further ado, let’s officially enter the topic! The most popular, versatile, and designed nail styles have been searched by the landlady. And they are roughly divided into four styles ~ fairies are free to choose the right style for themselves, beautiful and beautiful at the same time do not have to worry about collision ~ so let’s start!

Nowadays, there are more options for nail art, and you can even design your own nail art, So if you don’t like to clash, you can consider it.

The color is usually pink, pink-blue, pink-purple, yellow, and other pink colors, with glitter, pearls, or glossy nail material to reflect the dreamy feeling.

This style is suitable for fairies who like the cute style, but also suitable for people who do not love to stay long nails a good choice; this short nail feeling is very young girls, with cute dreamy nail style, can be very bubbly ~ (but may not be fair skin tone babies should be careful to choose.


Of course, when it comes to summer, there is one element that cannot be forgotten the most, and that is the various floral nail art. With a refreshing color scheme, it makes people very impulsive to go on a vacation to an island country.

As the nail industry develops faster and faster, many special textures and practices of nail styles are emerging, and this type of cool girl style nail styles are no longer limited to simple black or dark styles, and practices and patterns have become very rich compared to the past.

For example, mirror, laser, and other special glossy, in the texture is different from the ordinary nail polish or nail glue, and fashionable cool girls must have done.

As the abstract art sense nail style is becoming popular, many babies who originally only loved black or dark nails will also start to try it.

The biggest change in the cool style that combines it with the artistic sense is that the colors a red with gray tones while keeping the dark tones, and the fusion rendering technique looks softer and more textured.

If you use galglitter nail gel, the effect will also be more transparent and give a different feel to the cool personality we remember.

It is especially recommended that you apply hand cream after hand massage, which can help hand cream absorption while effectively reducing fine hand lines and promoting blood circulation, but also make the hand skin more firm, not sagging Oh.

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